April's Hot Topic

Unplug to Recharge: Why Every Entrepreneur Needs a Travel Break


The truth is that 49% of all businesses have one to four employees and 13% have no employees. That means that most entrepreneurs are wearing several hats and we all know that that can be overwhelming and exhausting. However, it is essential that we take the time to step back to step up. Traveling has been one of the most effective mediums to rejuvenate my creativity, provide new perspectives, and prevent burnout. The hustle-and-grind culture is not sustainable. Entrepreneurship is not a sprint, but a marathon so let’s pace ourselves.

Here are my top 10 strategies to unplug to recharge:

1. Schedule Regular Breaks: Make it a priority to schedule regular breaks throughout the year for travel. Even short getaways can provide significant benefits for recharging your entrepreneurial spirit.

2. Disconnect from Work: While traveling, make a conscious effort to disconnect from work emails, calls, and tasks. Set clear boundaries with your team and clients about your availability during your time away. Don’t be afraid to activate that out-of-office automatic email response so that you don’t feel compelled to always reply.

3. Embrace New Experiences: Use travel as an opportunity to immerse yourself in new cultures, try new activities, and explore different environments. These experiences can spark creativity and provide fresh perspectives for your business.

4. Delegate Responsibility: Before you leave for your trip, delegate tasks and responsibilities to trusted team members, colleagues, or partners that you can outsource work to. Trusting others to handle day-to-day operations allows you to fully disconnect and recharge without worrying about work piling up in your absence.

5. Prioritize Self-Care: Use your travel break as a time to prioritize self-care and relaxation. Engage in activities that promote physical and mental well-being, such as exercise, meditation, massage or simply taking leisurely walks in nature.

6. Reflect on Goals: Take advantage of the reflective nature of travel to reassess your goals and priorities. Use this time to gain clarity on your long-term vision for your business and identify any necessary adjustments or changes.

7. Capture Inspiration: Keep a journal or digital notes during your travels to capture any new ideas or inspirations that arise. These insights can be valuable when you return to work and can help fuel future projects or initiatives.

8. Stay Flexible: Be open to unexpected experiences and opportunities that may arise during your travels. Flexibility allows you to fully embrace the spontaneity of travel and make the most of your time away from work.

9. Plan Ahead: While it’s important to disconnect during your travels, it’s also helpful to plan for your return. Set aside time before you leave to tie up loose ends and create a plan for easing back into work upon your return.

10. Make Travel a Priority: Recognize the value of travel as an essential component of your overall well-being and professional development. Make it a priority to incorporate regular travel breaks into your schedule, knowing that it will ultimately benefit both you and your business in the long run.

Dr. Chela Chomicki is the Travel Doc

She has lived in, visited and conducted research in over 100 countries.  She is the CEO and Founder of CC Strategic Solutions which coaches, trains, and inspires leaders to rediscover their joy, passion, and purpose through travel and cultural exploration solo or through one of their group-curated trips.   She provides a dynamic blend of travel experiences, cultural sensitivity training, business coaching, and keynote services. She is committed to reshaping the way people perceive and engage in the world, one transformative experience at a time.

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