March's Hot Topic

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome:
Empowering Our Rising Entrepreneurs

Imposter Syndrome is a feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy despite evident success. It can disproportionately affect minority entrepreneurs, particularly those in under-served neighborhoods in cities like Chicago. These entrepreneurs face unique challenges stemming from systemic barriers, societal expectations, and personal doubts. However, overcoming Imposter Syndrome is not only possible but essential for unlocking your full potential and achieving greater success.



Imposter Syndrome often manifests as a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud, despite evidence of competence and accomplishments. Minority entrepreneurs, already navigating a landscape full of obstacles, frequently find themselves battling this internal enemy. Factors such as societal biases, lack of representation, and imbalanced access to resources heighten feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

In Chicago's under-served neighborhoods, where opportunities may be scarce and support networks limited, Imposter Syndrome can be especially crippling. Minority entrepreneurs may question their abilities, hesitate to seize opportunities, and struggle to recognize their own worth. However, acknowledging and understanding Imposter Syndrome is the first step towards overcoming it.



Cultivate Self-Awareness: Recognize the signs of Imposter Syndrome and understand that these feelings are common, especially in environments where systemic inequalities persist. Acknowledge your accomplishments and strengths, and remind yourself of the unique perspective and value you bring to the table.

Build a Support Network: Surround yourself with mentors, peers, and allies who understand your journey and can offer guidance and encouragement. Seek out networking opportunities within your community and beyond, where you can connect with like-minded individuals facing similar challenges. Sunshine Enterprises’ one-on-one coaching and help desk are great resources for support! Contact our Business Acceleration Services team at for more details.

Set Realistic Goals: Break down your long-term objectives into manageable tasks and celebrate each milestone along the way. By setting achievable goals and tracking your progress, you can build confidence and momentum over time.

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Understand that setbacks and failures are an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey. Instead of dwelling on perceived shortcomings, view them as valuable learning experiences that contribute to your growth and resilience.

Practice Self-Compassion: Be kind to yourself and practice self-care regularly. Take breaks when needed, prioritize your well-being, and remember that you are worthy of success and happiness, regardless of any external validation. Replace self-limiting beliefs with empowering affirmations and positive self-talk. Remember Saturday Night Live’s "Daily Affirmation" skits with Stuart Smalley (played by Al Franken)? Even though it’s a parody – there is a lot of truth to the power of positive affirmations! Click here to see a funny skit about the mantra “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough…”


Jeannine Skarbek-Kubas