June Staff Spotlight

Q&A with Holly Jackson - Sunshine Enterprises BAS Coach

Holly Jackson was introduced to Sunshine when she attended her god-brother’s Community Business Academy graduation in 2017. She then went on to go through the CBA herself in Spring 2018 (Cohort 34). Holly has been a CBA Site Monitor since Fall 2022 and began coaching with Business Acceleration Services since the summer of 2023. “My experience as a CBA student had a pretty significant impact on me. I’d just left my corporate job and I was assisting my mother with caring for my aunt with Alzheimers, all while I was actively working through my own mental health challenges. My instructor (Laura Lane Taylor) was compassionate and very understanding. She encouraged me to stick with the program, which helped me make it to graduation. My experience as a CBA student has directly impacted how I serve as a site monitor. I strive to engage in a way where students feel comfortable opening up about what obstacles they may be facing in the class, as well as outside of the class. I have been able to assist multiple students with getting over the finish line by meeting them in their situations and helping them to see a way to rise above their current circumstances. It’s been a blessing to give back in this way.” states Holly.

Q: What is your favorite part of your job?
My favorite part of both the Site Monitor and Coach positions is engaging with students beyond the classroom. I believe that building relational equity with the students helps with trust. Our students/coaches typically have a lot of life going on outside of the CBA and coaching, so it’s important to be able to meet them where they are in order to be sure that we are servicing them adequately. If students trust me they are more likely to communicate openly. Outside of this, our students come from an array of backgrounds and it’s always great to network with other entrepreneurs.

Q: How do you create a positive and inclusive environment to help all students/clients succeed?
As mentioned earlier, building relational equity is important to me. Along with cultivating trust, getting to know the students helps to foster a positive environment where they feel seen and heard. This also allows them to feel comfortable to come as they are. In some cases they feel comfortable enough to be vulnerable with myself, the instructor(s), and/or the entire class. We often begin class with “Good News”, which opens the floor for students to openly discuss aspects of their lives that may not have to do with class assignments. This allows the class to get to know each other and is often where they find out how much they have in common…aside from participating in the CBA.

Q: What strategies do you use to keep your students engaged and motivated?
To keep students engaged and motivated I send out a weekly email with reminders and highlights. I encourage them to get their work done and let them know that we are here to help. I keep them up to date with information from guest speakers, as well as ways to support their fellow classmates’ businesses. Outside of that, I use GroupMe and text messages to stay connected with them.

Q: What challenges (if any) have you encountered in your position and how have you overcome them?
The biggest challenge that I have encountered is the student who does not communicate. It’s tough to keep someone engaged who is not communicating about what is going on with them as it relates to attendance and/or handing in work. This is the same with coaching. If someone is unwilling to let you in, it becomes impossible to meet them where they are in order to help them move forward. A way that I have been able to overcome this challenge is by communicating my intentions, letting them know that I’m here to help. I let them know that it is difficult to assist them if they are not letting me know what they need help with. This usually opens up the floor for them to explain what they have going on and gives me space to ask questions. It helps to break the ice.

Holly’s Advice to Entrepreneurs

Stay the course. Constantly consider your ‘Why’, especially during those rough seasons. Stay committed to progress, and don’t feel like everything has to be perfect. There’s always room to grow. Stay connected to organizations like Sunshine and utilize ALL the resources they have to offer. You’re not in it alone...There are so many people who want to witness your wins!
— Holly Jackson

Holly working with CBA students


Jeannine Skarbek-Kubas